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Månedlige opdateringer til marts 2024

29 mar

Begin using Azure Monitor–based dashboards in Azure API Management before the built-in analytics dashboards are retired on 15 March 2027

Fastsat udfasningsdato: marts 15, 2027

The classic built-in analytics dashboards will be retired on 15 March 2027.

  • Retirements
27 mar

Public Preview: Azure Container Apps OpenTelemetry Agent support


You can now use open-source standards to send your app’s data.

  • Azure-objektbeholderapps
  • Features
22 mar

Support for Connector for AWS in Cost Management is ending on 31 March 2025

Fastsat udfasningsdato: april 01, 2025

The Connector for AWS in the Cost Management service will be retired on 31 March 2025. By that date, please consider alternative cost management reporting for AWS available in the market.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Retirements
20 mar

Public preview: Database watcher for Azure SQL


Tilgængelighed af destination: Q1 2024

Enable in-depth, managed monitoring of Azure SQL databases, elastic pools, and managed instances.

  • Azure Data Explorer
  • Azure SQL
  • Features
19 mar

Operator and CRD support with Azure Managed Prometheus


Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus will support CRD-based configs for scrape jobs to collect metrics from workloads running in your AKS cluster. With this new update, customers can use custom resources (service monitor and pod monitor) to configure metric collection with Managed Prometheus.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Administreret Prometheus
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
19 mar

Billing for Azure Monitor stateful log search alerts


Starting from May 1, 2024, you will be charged for stateful log alerts in Azure Monitor.

  • Compliance
  • Services
  • Features
18 mar

Generally Available: Cost analysis add-on for AKS


You can now better understand the infra costs associated with running applications at the namespace and cluster levels and identify opportunities to optimize resource utilization through an Azure native experience.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
18 mar

Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus is available in 13 additional Azure regions


Azure Managed Prometheus was announced GA in May 2023 and was available in 26 regions, with this new update Azure Managed Prometheus will be available in 13 additional regions.

  • Administreret Prometheus
  • Azure Monitor
  • Regions & Datacenters
18 mar

You can now opt in automatically renew your reservation at time of purchase.


You can now opt in automatically renew your reservation at time of purchase, which provides an easy way to continue getting reservation discounts.

  • Features
14 mar

Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus now supports TLS & mTLS based scraping


Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus now supports TLS & mTLS based scraping for Prometheus instance served with TLS. To enable TLS and mTLS based scraping, you can configure the TLS settings in the ConfigMap.

  • Administreret Prometheus
  • Azure Monitor
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features


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